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Opening Keynote – When Visualization Meets HCI
7. September 2020 @ 12:45 - 13:45
Petra Isenberg, Inria
Visualization fundamentally studies how people work with, react to, understand, or interact with (mostly) digital representations of data. With its focus on people, Visualization challenges have always related to those discussed in HCI. Recently, however, many fruitful avenues for cross-disciplinary work have emerged more clearly: interactions with data through touch, pen, speech, olfaction, on very large or very small displays, using physicalization, proxemics, or tangibles, among others. In my talk I will examine this close connection of research interests that overlap both the HCI and Visualization community. I will focus on opportunities for visualization-related applications in HCI for non-desktop devices, immersive analytics, embedded and situated visualization, and will point to opportunities for joint work on design and evaluation methodologies.
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